### Description
Display the user’s list of incidents and requests in a compact space. The Scripted List widget supports multiple scenarios when presenting a list interface. You can customize and style this widget using the available instance options and associated custom templates.
### Instance Options
| Option | Property | Comments | Default Value | Source |
| ----- |:-----:| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Script Include | `script_include` | Supports overriding the default Script Include. | `Default value` | Options Schema |
| Method name | `method_name` | Pulls a function from the script include. | `getItems` | Options Schema |
| Limit | `limit` | Limits the number of articles to the property value that you set here. | `Default value` | Options Schema |
| Active only | `active_only` | Return only active records. | `true` | Options Schema |
| Template | `template` | Used to name the bootstrap class for the widget. | `Default value` | Instance |
| Title | `title` | Specify a title for the panel. | `Default value` | Instance |
| Bootstrap class | `class` | Used to name the bootstrap class for the widget. | `false` | Instance |
| Bootstrap color | `color` | Used to set the color of the background and title text for the widget. The property takes standard Bootstrap color values as a string (e.g. 'Default', 'Primary', 'Success', etc…) | `Default value` | Instance |
| Glyph | `glyph` | Specify a glyph icon to decorate the panel heading. | `Default value` | Instance |
| Show footer | `show_footer` | Display footer at the bottom of the widget. | `false` | Options Schema |
| Show counts | `show_counts` | Display the number of counts using the query and table. | `true` | Options Schema |
| List page | `list_page` | Display the number of current page or pages. | `Default value` | Options Schema |
### CSS/SASS Variables
_CSS/SASS variables are given default values that can be overridden with theming or portal-level CSS._
| Variable | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `$nr-scripted-list-title-color` | Used to set the color of the title text. |
### Templates
| Name | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `nr-scripted-list-debug.html` | Provides HTML debug capabilities. |
| `nr-scripted-list-default.html` | Displays the list from top to bottom. |
| `nr-scripted-list-with-icons.html` | Displays the list with icons on the right. |
| `nr-blog-list.html` | Stacks the list from top to bottom in blog form. |
| `nr-subtopics.html` | Expects an array of topic information and presents a list of topics with their icon. |