<  Widgets

Menu Buttons

### Description
Pull in the menu items related to the widget instance and render them to look like buttons. The Menu Buttons widget displays buttons that have the same configuration as a menu items in that they can easily link to pages, articles & items, or URLs. You can customize and style this widget using the available instance options and associated custom templates.

### Instance Options
| Option  | Property | Comments | Default Value | Source |
| ----- |:-----:| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Template | `template` | Allows a user to choose default or custom template. | `Default value` | Instance |
| Show Panel | `show_panel` | Shows interactive buttons on a panel. | `true` | Options Schema |
| Column Classes | `col_class` | This is the bootstrap class ‘col-class’ which will evaluate the number of columns the buttons will span. | `col-md-3` | Options Schema |

### CSS/SASS Variables
_CSS/SASS variables are given default values that can be overridden with theming or portal-level CSS._
| Variable | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `$nr-menu-button-title-color` | Determines the color of the title displayed on each button. |
| `$nr-menu-button-image-size` | Determines the height and width of the image. The default is set to 48px. |

### Templates
| Name | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `nr-menu-buttons-default.html` | Displays the default template. |

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