### Description
This widget has been deprecated.
Store user's orders in one place. The SC Cart Modal widget appears once the user has added items to their cart. It includes two configurable buttons that by default allow the user to continue shopping or proceed to checkout. You can customize and style this widget using the available instance options and associated custom templates.
### Instance Options
| Option | Property | Comments | Default Value | Source |
| ----- |:-----:| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Button 1 Label | `btn1_label` | This field is used to specify the text which is displayed on the first button. | `Continue Shopping` | Options Schema |
| Button 1 URL | `btn1_url` | Supports overriding the default Script Include. | `?id=sc_home` | Options Schema |
| Button 2 Label | `btn2_label` | This field is used to specify the text which is displayed on the second button. | `Proceed to Checkout` | Options Schema |
| Button 2 URL | `btn2_url` | This property sets the value of the URL that a user will be taken to when they click on the button. | `?id=sc_cart` | Options Schema |
### Templates
| Name | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `addedToCart` | Standard card template using nr-myitems-template directive. |