<  Widgets

Announcement Rotator

### Description

Allow users to view critical information or multiple announcements in a compact view. The Announcement Rotator widget cycles through any announcement records in the announcements table.

### Instance Options
|  Option       | Property | Comments | Default Value | Source |
| ----- |:-----:| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Title | `title` | Allows for customization of the title. | `Default value` | Instance |
| Interval | `interval` | Number of milliseconds between slides. Set to 0 to prevent auto scroll. | `5000` | Options Schema |
| Show counts | `show_counts` | Display the number of counts using the query and table. | `Default value` | Options Schema |
| Show when empty | `show_when_empty` | Option to display the widget. | `true` | Options Schema |
| Empty title | `empty_title` | Allows for customization of the title. | `No Announcements` | Options Schema |
| Empty summary | `empty_summary` | Allows for customization of the summary. | `There are currently no announcements to be displayed` | Options Schema |

### CSS/SASS Variables
_CSS/SASS variables are given default values that can be overridden with theming or portal-level CSS._
| Variable | Comments |
| -------- |:-------------:|
| `$nr-announcement-empty-bg` | Sets a background color when there are no announcements to display. |
| `$nr-announcement-empty-color` | Sets text color when there are no announcements to display. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-title-color` | Sets text color of the title. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-title-x` | Sets horizontal spacing of title. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-title-y` | Sets vertical spacing of title. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-count-color` | Sets text color of count. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-count-x` | Sets horizontal spacing of count. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-count-y` | sets vertical spacing of title of count. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-controls-color` | Sets color of rotator controls. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-controls-x` | Sets horizontal spacing of count. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-controls-y` | Sets vertical spacing of title of count. |
| `$nr-announcement-rotator-slide-height` | Sets vertical spacing of title. |

### Templates
| Name | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `nr-rotator-default.html` | Sets the standard default template. |

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