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Public Facing Functions

| Method | Parameters |
| --------- |:------------|
| var OrbitAPI | `Class.create()` |
| setOptions | `function(options)` |
| setRedirectSysId | `function(sys_id)` |
| getRedirectSysId | `function(sys_id)` |
| getContentItems | `function()` |
| getContentItem | ` function()` |
| getContentItemsByType() | ` function()` |
| getHREF | `function(item)` |
| getContentItem | ` function()` |
| searchContentItems | `function(searchTerm, contentSource)` |
| getSources | `function()` |
| searchContentItems | `function(searchTerm, contentSource)` |
| getRefRecord | `function(contentGR)` |
| canEditRecord | `function(current)` |
| publishContent | `function(current)` |
| isReadOnly | `function(current)` |
| hasVersioning | `function(contentGR)` |
| getPublishedVersion | `function(current)` |
| getCheckedOutVersion | `function(current)` |
| isCheckedOut | `function(current)` |
| hasPublishedVersion | `function(current)` |
| getCommonID | `function(current)` |
| getAllVersionsQuery | `function(current)` |
| getVersionsCount | `function(current)` |
| isCurrentEditor | `function(current)` |
| checkoutContent | `function(current)` |
| cancelApprovalWorkflow | `function(current)` |
| getFormNotifications | `function(current)` |

### UI Actions
| Method | Parameters |
| --------- |:------------|
| showApprovalUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showCancelApprovalUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showPublishUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showUnpublishUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showCheckoutUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showRestoreUIAction | `function(current)` |
| showArchiveUIAction | `function(current)` |

### Helper Functions
| Method | Parameters |
| --------- |:------------|
| getEditorGroupID | `function(contentGR)` |
| getApprovalGroupID | `function(contentGR)` |
| getEditURL | `function()` |
| insertModalM2M | `function(obj)` |
| deleteRecord | `function(obj)` |
| deleteSelected | `function(obj)` |
| isOrbitTable | `function(table_name)` |
| getContentSource | `function(sourceID)` |
| getContentType | `function(typeID)` |
| getPageID | `function(sys_id)` |
| saveTemplate | `function(templateInput)` |
| getTemplateStr | `function(fields)` |
| getTemplates | `function()` |
| getFields | `function(templateStr)` |
| getSourceFromTemplate | `function(fields` |

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