< Menu


### Description
The left navigation menu of the Orbit CMS.

### CSS/SASS Variables
*Dependencies are included and configured as part of the provided Update Set.*

| Variable | Comments |
| -------- |:---|
| `$orbit-menu-module-color: $orbit-text-light !default;` |  The color for the section text. |
| `$orbit-menu-glyph-color: $orbit-text-light !default;` | The color of the glyph shown on sections. |
| `$orbit-menu-link-color: $orbit-text-dark !default;` | The color of the links to Content Sources in the menu. |
| `$orbit-menu-active-color: $orbit-text-dark !default;` | The active color of the links to Content Sources in the menu. |
| `$orbit-menu-padding: 30px !default;` | The padding around the menu. |

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