Equifax Spoke
- So much of the evaluation of a client relationship at a financial institution is based off data that comes from the credit report. Team members in these organization are taught to look for the 5 Cs of Credit, many of which are validated through understanding a credit bureau report in conjunction with internal client data. Utilizing a top 3 credit report provider like Equifax allows ServiceNow to enhance the user experience and reduce cycle times with client interactions.
- Easy integration changes the workflow for financial institution team members and allows them to navigate conversations seamlessly. Equifax OneView integration enhances the system of action with the option to pursue data components or friendly readable pdf content. Utilizing the new industry standard of OneView changes the team member experience creating a clean visual experience.
- Reducing the time on a bidirectional integration with Equifax via API calls, allows your development team to focus on other internal backlog.

Card Operations: Dispute Management
- Increasing complexity across card operations requires the flexibility to navigate the dispute process for the client, with a merchant, against regulations, while also ensuring internal business rules and processes are followed. This is a great example of how the FSO tool continues to grow in areas of increased complexity in FS.
- A card operations team fulfills onboarding, maintenance, and fraud/dispute management functions for their institution. These enhancements create OOTB flow & functionality so that our FS customers can focus on configuration instead of customization.
- Multi-faceted enhancements with managing card operations dispute approval flow, a managers dashboard view and configurable email notifications, all while being able examine the dispute against the client's whole profile

Claim Adjuster Workspace
- Creating a single view of claims history and content on a client. Configuration of the workspace allows your organization to transform the client experience and tailor it to your guiding principles.
- Transforming the client conversation from a 'let me look?' interaction to a 'I see here, and can confirm'
- Available for both Personal and Business lines - the features enhancing the claim adjustment experience through reduction of manual work and cross team visibility.

- All the Cool Features in CSM! Check those out, because remember they apply here too!