Guardian Algorithms: How AI Could Watch our Blind Spots in Risk Management

AI continues to improve, and organizations continue to become more adept at both setting themselves up to use AI, through better data management and integration


Once, as a joke, I asked my Amazon Echo, “Alexa, are you our robotic overlord?”

“Playing Pancake Robot by Parry Gripp”, Alexa informed me in her stilted monotone.  Suffice it to say, I do not think we are heading toward a Terminator-esque dystopic future any time soon.  I am sure you are all as relieved as I was.

With that being said, AI continues to improve, and organizations continue to become more adept at both setting themselves up to use AI, through better data management and integration, and more comfortable in using AI to their advantage.  It is technology which will continue to embed itself into our work and daily lives.

For Risk Management, I predict that this will include creating controls to one of the biggest risks a company can experience.

That is – when a risky condition exists but it is against the short-term interests of the individual to report it or escalate it.  

Source: Influence and Drive Secure Behaviors, Gartner, 2022

Here are some examples:

  1. Risk Indicator Adjustment: A company might tweak a risk indicator —changing the parameters so it goes from red to green —to avoid negative reports to the board and executives.  Thereby allowing the company to continue with their business-as-usual approach which may increase profits at the expense of increasing risk exponentially.
  1. Unethical Sales Practices: Pressure to sell more, combined with lax oversight and performance incentives, can lead to unethical behavior and predatory sales practices, negatively impacting customers and ultimately a detriment to the company when customers are lost, and the practice comes to light.  However, the short-term benefits blind the salespeople, their managers, and the executives to the long-term risks they are taking on.
  1. Reporting Dilemma: Businesses may create their own databases which contains personally identifiable information (PII) to make it easier to perform reporting, versus reporting from production or technology-owned databases. However, these in-house databases often lack essential controls like encryption and following the least privilege principle which puts confidential data at risk, which could be improved if managed by technology partners but would require the sacrifice of convenience.
  1. Password Sharing: An individual shares a password with another to allow them to complete their business objectives

In each of these cases, security and risk are sacrificed to meet what are perceived to be business objectives and in each of these cases, the decisions made were in service of making the individuals’ lives easier. Additionally, the potential realization of the risk is far enough away for the invincibility fallacy to come into place.

AI, on the other hand, lacks these inherent biases. It does not favor one outcome or another due to personal gain or emotional attachment. It simply observes and analyzes. It can therefore identify risks that may be otherwise overlooked and escalated to executives so they can truly understand what is going on in their enterprise.

For example, AI could:

  1. Risk Indicator Adjustment: Independently track the data which informs the risk indicator, and its likelihood and impact of a negative outcome.  Indicators can be reported to the board or executives without or in some cases, in spite of human influence.
  1. Unethical Sales Practices: AI can identify and link trends of sales practices, deal shape, and customer outcome.
  1. Reporting Dilemma: Discovery of all assets within an organization can be automated, and AI can be used to categorize the data, and how well, if at all, the data is protected.
  1. Password Sharing: Identify non-standard behavior of a user account based on past history.

While none of this is available today, this is within AI’s capabilities.  It is able to make predictions or assumptions based on a large amount of historical data.  It can participate in workflows or answer questions, as CoPilot, ChatGPT and Bard have shown us.

To implement a program like this, companies would need the following four things:

  1. A business environment that is highly integrated both procedurally and from a data-wise perspective.
  1. A repository of loss and risk events, linked to root causes.
  1. A highly integrated AI program which can access the majority of the business environment and trained on the loss and risk events, and the data which led to the root causes.
  1. An ombudsmen or committee whose responsibility it is receive and escalate these types of issues.  

Therefore, much like many things I talk about, this is a way point in a journey, instead of an easy button.  However, given the likelihood of a company facing a dilemma like this is high and the potential risk it could expose the business to, I think it’s a worthwhile journey to go on.  

If you agree, the first step is a highly integrated business environment.  This requires a visible and trustworthy technology estate, breaking down silos and a roadmap on how to accomplish these things and beyond.

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Guardian Algorithms: How AI Could Watch our Blind Spots in Risk Management

AI continues to improve, and organizations continue to become more adept at both setting themselves up to use AI, through better data management and integration

Knowledge Wrap Video

The event provided a vibrant platform for reconnecting with peers, delving into AI transformation, and driving innovation with purpose. Read on to discover how NewRocket made its mark at Knowledge 2024.

What We Learned

From recent insights gathered, we learned that ServiceNow customers are increasingly receptive to adopting AI solutions and ServiceNow has the tools to embrace that head on. However, there's a gap in AI use-cases for more mature users, highlighting the need for a creative approach to accommodate their business needs.

In navigating AI adoption, organizations are challenged to find the delicate balance between embracing innovation and avoiding dependency on emerging technologies. Advisory consulting and trusted guidance beyond initial queries spark interest, particularly around AI's impact on operations. Read our AI blog series to learn more about our approach.

Excitement around GenAI is apparent, with most users eager to explore its potential benefits and invest in quick wins. Notably, advanced use cases like process mining are gaining traction. Key solution themes include interest in native mobile applications, Employee Center migration, and the urgent need for enhanced data capabilities.

Recognitions and Awards

ServiceNow Americas Employee Workflow Partner of the Year

The ServiceNow Americas Employee Workflow Partner of the Year award celebrates Partners' exceptional efforts in enhancing employee experiences through innovative collaborations and technology solutions. Learn More.

UK Public Sector Partner of the Year Award

The ServiceNow UK Public Sector Partner of the Year underscores  Partners' dedication to driving digital transformation and delivering exceptional outcomes for public sector organizations in the UK. Partnership for Good Grant

The Partnership for Good Grant highlights Partners' commitment to leveraging technology for social impact and driving positive change in communities around the world. Learn More.

Top 10 Finalist for ServiceNow Best Employee Portal of the Year

ServiceNow's Best Employee Portal of the Year award recognizing Partners' dedication to creating innovative solutions that empower employees and enhance workplace experiences. Learn More.

NewRocket Booth

At ServiceNow's Knowledge 24 event, we connected with 350+ attendees at our booth, showcasing how NewRocket supports organizations on their ServiceNow journey. AI emerged as a key topic, reflecting the growing interest in its potential across businesses. Our strategic advisory approach, FlightPath, aligns technology with business objectives, drawing on our expertise in customer, employee, technology, and security transformation. Plus, we captivated attendees by transforming them into astronauts using AI. See the photo booth results here!

Workshops and Speaking Sessions

Beyond Personas: Developing Holistic Frameworks to Personalize User Solutions

Industry innovation: Consilio’s Transformation Journey on ServiceNow

Dive Into Prototyping to Accelerate Validation With Design Libraries

Make Better Business Decisions by Integrating Risk and Compliance

Participating in ServiceNow's Knowledge sessions and workshops this year was truly enriching. Interacting with customers and partners provided invaluable insights into the future state of ServiceNow and allowed us to have in-depth discussions on how we can collectively offer better experiences across various facets of the platform. From exploring advanced AI integrations to optimizing workflow processes, the conversations were not only enlightening but also inspiring, fueling our commitment to innovation and excellence in the ServiceNow ecosystem. We can't wait to see you next year!

NewRocket Party

Our poolside event at the Capri restaurant in Las Vegas provided a refreshing break from the conference hustle, allowing us to unwind and connect with friends, colleagues, partners, and customers in the cool open air. As the night progressed, we loved creating unforgettable memories and strengthening our bonds within the ServiceNow community.