NewRocket PCI Manager

Control costs and improve results of PCI compliance with ServiceNow

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Improve results and control costs for PCI-DSS compliance


Increase in credit card fraud reports. (Federal Trade Commission 2020)


Of all consumers have been victims. (Ascent consumer survey 2019)


Of retailer log-ins by hackers are using stolen data. (Shape Security)

How NewRocket PCI Manager extends ServiceNow

ServiceNow CSM (Customer Service Management)
Guided process for defining CDE's
ServiceNow CSM (Customer Service Management)
Scoping CDE’s and assets for assessment
ServiceNow CSM (Customer Service Management)
Sampling and fieldwork
ServiceNow CSM (Customer Service Management)
Capture compensating controls
    Resource intensive manual efforts drive ever-increasing costs to keep up with evolving business demands, compliance requirements, and ever-expanding scope.
    Without a trusted inventory, the constant change in business and technology environments requires significant effort to maintain a tightly controlled scope.
    Manual efforts and complexity create errors and oversight which impact assessment results and expose the business to unnecessary risks.
    Automation and instrumentation in ServiceNow reduces resource demands and efficiently manages scope which is upwards of 50% of the cost of PCI compliance.
    With an accurate and up to date inventory that is tuned to the needs of PCI coupled with automated control management, understanding state of compliance becomes a simple task.
    Automation and a trusted inventory speed assessments, lets you get ahead of issues, and clearly present a high-performance PCI program to your assessors and your business.

NewRocket PCI Manager – Features and Benefits

Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) Identification and Management

Clearly identify the CDE accurately using the organizations Configuration Management Database (CMDB) or simple asset listings to define total possible CDE using bulk search functions. By integrating with the CMDB the CDE assets are better able to be tracked, managed and maintained for better accuracy.

CDE Bulk Scoping

Ability to bulk scope addresses the volume challenge most organizations have with the changing inventory of PCI assets. QSA can review scope from a single source of truth and make comments. Every Record of Decision (RoD) captured as a scoping record is stamped with the reviewers’ name.

Random Sampling Support ofCDE assets

By automating the random selection of CDE required for testing allows the organization to quickly reduce the effort involved for selecting and testing those assets. Random sampling builds trust in the assessment process. The feature also supports manual selection of assets for re-test after remediation.

Reduce Record Administration in PCI Controls

By leveraging the ServiceNow platform to support your PCI process, data creation and population is significantly reduced. New PCI assets will automatically generate assessable profiles and controls as soon as the new PCI asset is added to the CMDB.

PCI Data Content for Acceleration

Includes an accelerator package, preloaded with the latest PCI DSS. Over 800 pre-built test cases extracted directly from the DSS and Report on Compliance (RoC) in order to have a consistent and repeatable method to test your controls.

Reduce Burden of Evidence Collection and Location

Evidence is collected and stored in a central secure repository for each CDE and can be shared across an organization’s multiple CDEs. This reduces the audit burden and allows the collection of attributes completely aligned with the official RoC template.

Next Steps

Todd Bashor Image
Chief Product Officer
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