Transforming Employee Engagement with ServiceNow’s Employee Center

Baker Hughes employees are able to get their work done quickly and effectively with a personalized, unified self-service journey on the ServiceNow platform.

Company Overview

Baker Hughes is an American energy company  based in Houston, Texas. As one of the world's largest oil field services companies, it provides products and services for oil well drilling, formation evaluation, completion, production, and reservoir consulting.

Services Provided

  • Expert ServiceNow Knowledge
  • Research & Insights
  • Taxonomy Consulting
  • Wireframe Design
  • High Fidelity Mockups
  • Interactive Prototypes
ServiceNow Native Mobile Apps Solutions NewRocket

Learn More about Our User Experience Solutions on ServiceNow

The Challenge

Baker Hughes came to NewRocket with multiple, single-department portals built on various ServiceNow portal technologies. The portals provided workplace support and workflow management for both employees and managers. The portals had low adoption, engagement and user satisfaction so Baker Hughes engaged NewRocket to create a modern, engaging portal experience to unify their departments.

Project Highlights

Migration to ServiceNow Employee Center

Workday and SumTotal integrations

Allows for easy access to information from one single location

Unified Multi-department Portal

Unique user preferences such as dark mode

Allows for user personalization

New Taxonomy Structure

Customized onboarding experience

Guides new hires and managers through the onboarding process

Topic Based Browsing

Custom branding

Provides a consistent brand experience

Custom Branding

Mobile optimization

Enables support on the go

Document Visibility

Department specific landing pages

Provides departments flexibility over their content

The Solution

To increase adoption, engagement, and user satisfaction, NewRocket implemented a tailored portal solution that included taxonomy consulting. To improve usability and to develop a more personalized experience, we incorporated implementation best practices and a persona-driven content strategy.


ServiceNow Portal Wireframe


ServiceNow Employee Center Mockup

Homepage Design

Service Portal Mockup

UI Designs

ServiceNow Employee Center portal is a standard multi-department, dynamic portal for service delivery and employee engagement.

ServiceNow Employee Center User Interface

Customer Quote

NewRocket has been instrumental in launching an award-winning employee portal, a one-stop shop for all their employment needs. Their expertise and proactive approach accelerated development and deployment, delivering exactly what we envisioned for our employees.

— Sidd Porchezhiyan, Senior Director at Baker Hughes
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